LivefromPhoenix: Jesus Christ, could you slow the gif down?!? I was barely able to write the instructions.
buddythebear: technically the healthiest thing ever posted to this sub
BIN4555: My water tastes like blood, does anyone know why? I followed the recipe exactly. I’m from Flint, Michigan by the way
EDIT: Typo
weds110: The end is too painful to watch
TheColor0fMoney: needs more cheese
herofordays: there were too many confusing steps
i accidentally made a cake
RetChief: This is like Soul Food for white people. LOL
Wysiwyg25: Instructions unclear, fork stuck in brain
Lraknayr: Will this work sous vide? Do I need to sear it before or after?
ChoppedBalloon: Finally some good FUCKING FOOD
sadandfaraaway: i genuinely thought ants were being sprinkled in at the end so needless to say my execution of this was a little off
[deleted]: [deleted]
SolEiji: Scrub tier, the raw water is from the tap. Real cooks only use fresh hydrogen and oxygen to cook their water.
BreechLoad: You should really use a thermometer, so you know when it’s done.
ilennablond: Way to spicy
NoobDeGuerra: General shitposti!
ElDuderino206: Total garbage. Everyone knows you have to bake @375 for 10 mins before plating.
BernardMarxs: This is stupid. Mods?
SPZX: Not enough parsley garnish
commonfolk82: College students amirite? On Fridays you even get to put Ramen noodles in it.
scarf_prank_hikers: Personally, that’s a little over done for my taste.
TacoNasty: Ah, the Flint Michigan recipe.
imnohelp2u: So glad you didn’t burn it or overcook it, masterchef skills clearly.
undead_funk: Cursed
StudentMedicOllie: ##StudentLife
BrianGrace96: So now I know how to cook what I drink every day LOL
69Madpussyonlock69: There was a moment where I thought they were gonna burn it!
raexneol: This is the funniest thing I have ever seen and that isn’t even an exaggeration. “Don’t burn” I was CRYING
anastasiacottone: Shoulda cut into it at the end
nzodd: I modified the recipe a bit by substituting the water with rubbing alcohol. I wasn’t very impressed. 3 stars.
bassplayer1975: I like to flip mine half way thru to ensure its cooked properly. I’ve had water poisoning and believe me it’s no fun
swifferlifterupper: A struggle meal
ggbruhuh: Lmfao
Deswizard: I would pay to watch a cook show with this vein. Pay good money.
kempff: Instructions unclear, teflon pan on fire
khazhak: I love this
-Twokad-: Also stores in the freezer for ever if you want to prep in advance for those nights when you just need to reheat something quickly.
mrzazzaz123: Legend
[deleted]: [removed]
SpeculationMaster: Fuck off with your stupid joke shit.