iwillcuntyou: Cut my thighs into pieces
allurmemesrbelong2me: Fried shit smothered in cheese? Where do I sign up?
ksa007: I think it’s better to let the chicken sit in the buttermilk for a while rather than just dip it in buttermilk. It should taste better
GR1DL0CK_: Anyone know a decent replacement for sirrachra?
to_go_tea: It’s pretty satisfying to say this title to the tune of ‘
TheAlgebraist: R/shittyfoodporn
CosmoKram3r: ✔ Shitty gif quality
✔ Deep fried
✔ Has cheese
✔ Recycled recipe
✔ Reposted in 2 weeks
Yup, that’s him alright. I subscribed to this subreddit a few months ago because there were some really good recipes coming out with a good balance of healthy & junk/fast food recipes.
Now, all I see is this guy’s shitty, unoriginal recipes with horrible quality being peddled. He’s been using this sub to just market himself and people are none the wiser. Not to mention the amount of reposts of the same gif every week.
I’m tried of seeing these. I’m out. It was a fun ride.
qawsedrf12: At least there isnt anything in todays clip that people can accuse of being an ad
Day 3 liquid diet: stop making me drool!
Greatmambojambo: This is disgusting
FriendlyBlanket: What is the pan they fry the chicken in called?
Islebar: Greg, you’re fucking wild, man
morthaz: Offtopic question from a non-native speaker:
When do you say ‘melted’ and when ‘molten’?
Gingercreeper: Man, greg… what happened?
You were the one saving grace of this subreddit for a while… Your recipes were different, but still real food. But now… what the fuck is this? fried chicken bits and a just straight melted cheese. seriously?
Socialjuicetus: OMG That looks amazing. Defiantly going to try making something like this.
mutrax_be: Why the buttermilk and not regular milk?
grumpywerewolf: I feel like those seasonings aren’t just one teaspoon…
Thanosismydad: why use the fork to roll them in cheese? couldn’t you have just shaken them around in it?
grubas: If you want cheese, just use some goddamn blue cheese.
aManPerson: it’s worth noting, if your cheese has starch in it, it will stick to a cast iron pan. things like american cheese or smoked gouda, have starch in them and will have problems. real cheeses like mozzerella or cheddar or unprocessed gouda won’t stick.
bonus points if you let the cheese heat in the pan long enough to get browned/crispy on the bottom.
insidezone64: There is no grill. THERE IS NO GRILL!!!
Everyone, this is not the REAL u/gregthegregest2 , this man is an imposter!!! SEIZE HIM!!!
gregthegregest2: Here’s the original source video recipe: https://youtu.be/APk98sDkDdw
You may have seen the video doing the round from a Korean restaurant that series spicy fried chicken wrapped in melted cheese, well I thought I would give it a go.
Please check out my other series “The Bush Bee Man”, the honey used in this recipe comes from my dad’s beehives: https://www.youtube.com/thebushbeeman
Please help me out by checking out my channel and subscribing.
A few people mentioned I should start my own subreddit which will give people an easy place to find my recipe and also post photos of their creation.
vergosnite: Unpopular opinion here, but for the past couple of months everything is really a recipe with ‘just add creamy cheese’ on everything. My taste for cheese nowadays has been toned down.
skepticalbob: IMO, the sauce needs vinegar.
JustAnotherLosr: > Appetizer
After gorging myself on these (which I most certainly would) there’s not going to be much room left
Motivated_null: no grill. 5/10.
karmisson: A delicious mess
Anivair: Okay, so as much as this looks like a pain to eat that was cool as hell. I’m sold.
Ashk91: I’m dieting 😐
limitz: Whipping up the cheese with a metal fork on a nonstick pan, way to destroy the pan.
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