shimmyboy56: Can someone from LA tell me theyve never eaten seen or heard of anything like this so we can all bitch at greg like usual? /s (kinda)
MyNoobness: damn these look good
test_tickles: I always close the tab when the grill appears… ain’t got no grill!
jt1924: Where’s the third one…?
WholesomeRenegade: What is the advantage of using the grill if you’re still using a pan/skillet?
Matta_G: Gotta say Greg, your recipes always look amazing. Heart attack inducing, but amazing.
gregthegregest2: Here’s the original source video recipe:
Bacon makes everything better but the sweetness of the bell peppers and the kick of the jalapeño give it a great mix of flavours.
Thank you to everyone in this awesome sub for they’re support.
Homelessnomore: So, I’m guessing this is L.A. style, not LA style?
digitaldemons: Everything else? Sure. But ketchup on a hotdog is sacrilege.