baker2795: ITT: People who don’t know what chicken salad or sriracha is..
cranesarealiens: Fuck you and your avocado-hand-towel. You probably have a mortgage.
PMme_ur_grocery_list: Why do they make it in one bowl and then put it into a different bowl and then take it out again to make a sandwich?
GiganticDoucher: Its genius to switch out may with avocado and greek yogurt. I cant eat chicken salad anymore because of the mayo, but this would be great and lean.
itstinkskid: I was right there with you until the sriracha, the rest looks good.
DRJT: “Are you sure this is a salad?”
“It’s green isn’t it?”
heynicepenis: Abbey Road in the mist.
catword: the chicken salad itself looks delicious! I wouldn’t put it on toast or ass sriracha but that’s just my preference. Goes great over a bed of lettuce or on plain sandwich bread.
Edit: haha ass sriracha. I’ll leave it. Meant add.
rologies: Lazy tip, don’t bother further messing an avocado after already halving it, with an end product like this you can just squeeze it out of the shell.
Applejeans: Brings back memories of working at Qdoba. Cutting open two boxes of avocados to make the guacamole for the day… so many avocados
BelligerentTurkey: I tried to remove a avocado pit like that once… and I cut my hand really bad.
Gtapex: I made this, but left out the avocado and the chicken… it was amazing.
DaltonWilcoxPoetry: Saving this
amafternoon: Not shaming the recipe, but it has raw onions, cilantro, and celery. Hard pass.
galaxymirror: I would only eat this if the onions were pickled.
Drjones1106: Cumin. You need cumin. If it has Avacado, you need cumin. And salt.
mid-week-bevs: You legend
lkmkmr6: Why do you put ketchup on it ? It has already loads of flavours.
circuitously: Where’s the bacon? Lol noobs
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