VirexLikesGames: I’m more interested in how they made such a perfect egg. Holy shit
randomvirus: My doctor called and told me to stop watching this.
CrimsonBlade104: Did everyone just forget the first half of the recipe happened after they switched to the skillet?
SuperGroverr: Why add sugar to the batter?
hockeyboss77: How do you egg?
Kokusho_o: Did Fisher-Price make those eggs?
wesleysnoops: All good up to the maple syrup!
motsanciens: I see we’re just slapping our food on the countertop, now.
test0ffaith: Is that crepe batter with bacon? You missed some recipie
backtodafuturee: Hmm i wonder how this sub could possibly be negative towards this.
*reads comments*
And yet, they still found a way to be negative towards this
stupiloose: those eggs tho
Bernard_Ber: Looks good, but I wouldn’t be putting that maple syrup on there.
assoteric: I wouldn’t mind trying this 😉
disastersam: Those are tacos stupid
Mbeatrice: *Makin’ pancakes, makin’ bacon pancakes*
redball3: I don’t get American/Canadian breakfasts. too much sweet mixed in with the savory. Also that cheese looks like shit.
Angela688: Concept was grand I just can’t do sunny side up eggs.
Yggsdrazl: You missed sour, but I think you got all the other flavors in there.
Vegetable_Burrito: This looks like a delicious McGriddle taco, but what is the wrap made of? Crepe batter? Or pancake batter?
Nevyn16: I dont know what the fuck that stuff is, but that is not chedder cheese.
craysins_NSFS: r/ketorecipes would love this (minus the syrup)
leedo8: Will make. Will eat.
TotesMessenger: I’m a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:
– [/r/linky_links] [Egg Wrap Breakfast Recipe – r/GifRecipes](
*^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don’t vote in the other threads.) ^([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*
JohnnyZondo: …and then you add fucking perfect eggs, just do that on the side real fast, you know?
Cause we know how to do that, right?
Saw_Boss: Get wrap. Put things in wrap.
HybridHerald: I’d definitely put the egg on the bottom, I can just see that delicious yolk running right off the top when you bite in
fazletanjil: Are those plastic fake eggs ? Cause these are **shinier than the sun :D**
Aldrei23: What in the holy name of Tim Horton’s Canadian ghost is “spicy maple syrup”.
Cosmosiis: Americans, why is your cheddar so fake and shite?
twitchosx: that didnt look like cheddar cheese to me.
skylabgaming: hot dam good thing it’s bulking season
ramon13: my god some of these literally make my mouth water.
rhybread27: an egg… inside an egg…
BerryGuns: Why is there a thin slice of processed cheese and maple syrup on this? Just because something has a fried egg on it doesn’t make it a breakfast meal, this deserves to be in /r/memefood
holypolish: The good ole 2700 calories breakfast.
banecroft: Ew that plasticky cheddar
[deleted]: [deleted]
Guernic: Wow, such mess.
kramjr: Dry into wet. Yep he’s a moron.
ThatForThis: No.
dinngoe: but how do u make bacon pieces? In my grocery store they only have slices.
stephtreyaxone: Gggh
boywonder5691: Milk in eggs is disgusting
billbullbusan: this is the most american thing i’ve ever seen
Castielz: Ah yes, breakfast for the suicidal!
I guess for Americans, this is considered healthy
Boomslangalang: Combinations that should not exist. Chicken + waffles, fried egg + maple syrup