kalel1980: Add a large bag of rice and make the food go 1000 times further!
Piees: Yes it’s a repost, but watching the people as they receive food gets me every time
itty53: Because it comes up every time, those are not egg shells they’re dumping into the pot, those are cut up onions.
This is from [Village Food Factory’s](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-j7LP4at37y3uNTdWLq-vQ) youtube channel. Very inspiring group.
Tolmos: Wth, that’s wholesome as shit. How do we give them money so they can keep doing this?
ab-absurdum: What? No recipe?
Graphitetshirt: Ok, so, 1000 eggs. Looks like maybe 50-100 onions, sliced coarsely. Fried in what? Vegetable oil?
Then what? What temperature? Where’s the recipe? This is amateur hour here, I have to host a church brunch this weekend, am I just supposed to guess?
sagarvare: r/HumansBeingBros
Betruul: The Sikh do this stuff all the time. Not my religion but the one i respect the most
kalel1980: You see, it’s the heros you don’t always hear about. This man is amazing.
cheeseandbooks: r/humansbeingbros
DankBlunderwood: I don’t care how many times this is reposted, I will always upvote because I need to be reminded this guy is out there redeeming our species.
poopyheadthrowaway: [Relevant P&R](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/276/726/d85.gif)
nerdymixture: More people need to be like this
Hove201: We’re supposed to take care of each other.
liptastic: Instead of doing a wake to remember their departed loved ones on anniversaries of their death, Hindus buy or cook a load of food and give it to the homeless.
gifv-bot: [GIFV link](https://i.imgur.com/GwJyNSp.gifv)
_^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/livven/wiki/gifv-bot) ^// ^[code](https://github.com/Livven/GifvBot)_
Foxtonfizz91: Takes meal prepping to a whole new level
UglyMoron: r/mealprep
Kamlett25: I love this 🙂
audreyt92: I wanna do something like this.
letsimprovethegame: I have to recommend checking out “grandpa kitchen” on YouTube. He cooks meals like this for an orphanage in India at the same scale. Very interesting to watch!
rav-prat-rav: /r/MealPrepSunday
SeekersWorkAccount: Today is full of reposts, huh?
PhotonAttack: who is daddy’s no.1 fan?
TrashPandaCoin: Give food to a homeless person in the US and you’re likely to have it thrown back at you.
bellagootch: I’m not crying your crying!
-eschguy-: I’d like to do stuff like this. I feel like it’d be really fulfilling.
Psycho_Nihilist: All it takes is just one simple act of kindness to inspire you to do good for others.
james_randolph: You know what they say…
Can’t make an omelette…
Wishpool: And I complain about chopping 3 small onions
TlalocVirgie: /mealprepsunday
Sirbrianpeppers: Grandpa Kitchen on YouTube
topderp1: [“My boy says he can eat 50 eggs, he can eat 50 eggs!”](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/73382ab8-2554-4b51-9325-65a065b019ac)
Razrie: This reminds me of when I was young and we were a bit better off than we were a year or two before so my mom and grandmother bought a bunch of to go containers and went to a nearby park where homeless gathered and handed out a ton of meals. Usually just sandwiches with chips or other food that wouldn’t spoil as fast..
Unfortunately after about 3-4 months of this they started getting harrassed and almost assaulted and they stopped. I’m sure a lot of people were helped by this and a few bad apples ruined it.
deJessias: He’s HowToBasic
hexernano: [Eggman](https://youtu.be/Mo4TErpy0B8)
Kaylie_kitten: Grandpas Kitchen!
ragnaroky: [oh snap!](https://www.reddit.com/r/GifRecipes/comments/66b2a7/scrambled_eggs)
FingerMilk: How does one go about finding something like this?
-fantasy-: Wow this is really wholesome
US-Blues: How many times is this going to be posted?
rly_nis: What are these units? A table of cheese?
8th_Dynasty: “thank you so mu….wait, does this have onions in it? pass.”
Clareita: [Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izD0Schr5Q4)
Bleezy79: /r/HumansBeingBros
jkl90752: It bothers me that where I live most homeless people would never accept food from anyone, because all they really want is money for drugs and alcohol😕
TakeTimeAway: Why pack it? People can line up with plates!
Vermontplates: Pfft no ketchup cheap bastards
syndus: Oh I remember this guy, he went from town to village handing out meals, been a while since I saw this, guy owned a chicken farm, right?
everypostepic: At first I thought they were adding the egg shells back into the ingredients.
Salfriel: 1000 eggs, just like Ron Swanson likes em.
mehdi_h_arif: i read your name selina kyle
TheFecklessRogue: Doing the Lord’s work
dedebo42: Hey… not bad
chadork: Cooking in huge pots like that always reminds me of the jail sequence in Require for a Dream.
Fun Fact: The prison guard is the author of the book.
dweckl: Your mom’s omelette is ready.
Har, har, har.
Meandtheworld: The shells to?
rlovelock: Those are some over cooked eggs!
Aryanindo: Anyone know how I can help this guy out.
humberto_now: That’s nice, i guess
tencorpsepileup: r/humandbeingbros
TimMarkel: I thought they were mixing in the egg shells but I realized after watching it 3 times that it’s onion
ThreeLeggedTranny: When I meal prep, I will cook 60 eggs at a time, and it takes fucking forever. I can’t even imagine dealing with 1000.