CocktailChem: **[All recipes and full video](**
The Australian action comedy Danger 5 is a bizarre, campy, 1960’s interpretation of WWII where 5 international spies are going after Hitler and his Nazi dinosaurs. There’s also a recurring bit where dying characters spill the beans to a perfect cocktail. Let’s recreate a few and see if they really are perfect.
AWholeHam: Danger 5 was so good. I wish they would make more.
TheChairHugger: The guy behind Danger 5 also made Italian Spiderman.
Super sharp stuff, I’ve seen plenty of memes from both projects.
LuciferGoosifer: I was there until raisins 🙁
cocineroylibro: [A guy recreated and drank and reviewed them all!](
Edited and updated!
Gooflactus: Ok 3 things:
* Danger 5 is amazing
* This channel is amazing
* What made you pick these 3 out of all of them?
NappyFlickz: Doesn’t alcohol make milk curdle?
7uring: I know it’s a dumb question, but it’s been bugging me for ages.
What’s the song the guy uses at the beginning of his videos. I’ve heard it before I just don’t know where.
Please, if anyone knows, tell me!
jroddie4: you forgot the [Beyond Chunderdome](
ljenner: I love your videos, really makes me want to branch out to try new cocktails. Thanks for continuing to post!
beliefinphilosophy: Oh my god, you used st George, my heart, it asplodes!!
Also, I’ve really been digging St George Absyinthe. But I’m getting tired of drinking it with ice.. any chance you could do some videos to give me some tasty inspirations ?
vey323: I was down with the first drink until the raisins. Ruined
nighthawk_md: Your O faces this time were about what I expected watching the recipes, haha.
SPZ_Ireland: I was gonna say usibg CocktailChemistry is cheating til I saw the username.
Rock on, dude.
TeddysRevenge: That first one gave me a stomach ache just watching it get made.
blacksoxing: OP, your first drink you looked happy as fuck. The second one? Baby sippin’ it and going “eh….it’s straight”
For that reason I’m not making the 2nd one.
(Side note: If I were that slim I too would be wearing what you wore. Nice outfit. That’s that “I’m professional, but can still pick you up” style.)
grounddoghay: “Carlos SULTANA”
*adds raisins*
viscosityvelocity: What about the Naked Fugitive???
ynocfyinco: OMG that awesome insignia on the sweater vest at 6.14.
(Plus the knockoff Chris Pratt.)
Johnpecan: Trader Joe’s has the best vanilla ice cream, good choice!
Sasquatchfl: The head nod at the end of tasting the drinks reminds me of those videos of the guy just taking bites out of everything per request of Reddit.
SectoidEngineer: That show is painfully unfunny.
coffeedude7: But curdled milk….ive never had milk not instantly curdle when mixed with liquor.
DeathofSound: God I love that show