Armourdildo: That man looks like someone I would trust to make booze.
ubspirit: Just a quick bit regarding the skins, you don’t want to use any of the lemon or orange pith (white fleshy part between the rind and the fruit) because it will make the drink extremely bitter.
JackMelacky: Looks cool and that’s a great recipe.
I didn’t see anything about proper sanitation. I would highly recommend sanitizing your equipment and your mixture before adding the yeast. You don’t want any wild yeast/bacteria to get in there and out compete the wine yeast to make something nasty in there.
I might also suggest aging. Meade ages beautifully. Stash those bottles of finished product in a cool, dark place (under you bed or in a closet) for 6 months to a year. Your patience will be rewarded!
Edit: a word
buttholesunset: I’d be a lot warmer and a lot happier with a belly full of mead.
gregthegregest2: I thought I would change things up a little and do a recipe from my old man. Before you complain that this isn’t food, some would consider wine as one of the major food groups.
If you want a more detailed video covering the recipe:
* 3 Lemon Skins
* 2 Orange Skins
* Juice of 3 lemons
* 40 raisins
* 4 tea bag
* 10L Honey from Caps
* wine yeast
These shots are from a web series my dad and I make about his journey into beekeeping.
The Bush Bee Man is hosted by Mark (my dad) and follows his journey into beekeeping. ‘
Mark’s farmer from the South Australian, Riverland region. Mark has a great sense of humour, and will not only make you laugh but will also show you the process of setting up and maintaining beehives.
Side note: people may ask, “didn’t you stop drinking?” Yes, I did and I continue to be sober. This is my old doing his own thing.
Thank you to everyone for their ongoing support.
LazyLamont92: Let me just go to my sage bush.
B1oodgorgon: r/mead if you want to know how to actually make mead
Klamathboy: A two week secondary ferment is pretty short…
shiroek95: Thats going to be some footy and rough mead
Aldrahill: This is really cool but there is so much room for error. Sanitation is crazy important. Incredibly short time in secondary, this will likely have an extremely strong fusel alcohol, somewhat nail polishy taste.
One massively useful step is you need to pitch your yeast – rehydrate your fried yeast in a small amount of your must (honey water mix). This allows it to acclimatise to the right temp, as well as activate more easily.
Even better, add nutrients! The sage and raisins will contribute some, mainly the raisins as a nitrogen substitute (honey has essentially no nitrogen, a necessary component for healthy mead) but buying some Fermaid O would be a lot better.
Also, frequent degassing of the must during primary fermentation makes things a LOT better.
Head to /r/Mead for more advice. This is a nice jumping point, but for the tiniest bit more effort you can get a massively better finished product.
HamBurglary12: There is a disturbing lack of sanitization going on here. Honey does act as a natural anti septic and anti fungal but still….I would not risk it.
FOlahey: It takes me hours to sanitize all of my equipment. So far have only had one batch mold, but I was devastated after all the time and money put into it.
QweefBurgler69: can you use jarred honey instead of honey from caps?
EntityDamage: Honey from caps = “the rest of the fucking owl”
thescandall: /r/mead
Zciurus: The bee Guy again
Time_for_Stories: Isn’t this the beekeeper guy with a hundred beekeeping videos
Rescooperator: Now I thought mead takes about a year to ferment?
SweetTeaNoodle: Don’t add raisins! They make mead taste compost-y. Leave them out!
MC1781: Oh yeah that looks easy!
dragonzim: So technically this is called Metheglin and not true Mead. Metheglin is any fermented honey product that is mixed with herbs and spices. Actual Mead is honey and water. Also, never use hot water direct from the tap and for gods sake, SANITIZE!
Source: been brewing mead for over 20 years
_Name_That_User_: I’d probably let it ferment for much longer than a month. Doesn’t wine usually take at least a year to properly age? Maybe filter every 2 weeks for that time and see how it goes.
dodolungs: Always amazed by how easy (comparatively) mead is to make. You literally just throw some stuff (to add flavor) into a vat with water, honey and yeast and just let it sit for a few weeks.
hokasi: Warm water from a hot water tank? Not the best idea
El_mochilero: Where do you buy 10 liters of honey? This seems like a preposterous amount.
veirdonis: Nothing about boiling the wort, sanitizing the equipment, and only a slight nod to sealing it with that bubble lock. Enjoy the honey vinegar.
MrJoshiko: I want to go to a party at this guys house 😀
Chencky: How to make a potion of instant damage II
SeekersWorkAccount: Good to have you back.
Neeaccount123: Benny Hill looks fine
gjallerhorn: has some good resources for getting started.
davelog: How do you keep the meads from falling thru the grill?
Ginko_Bilobasaur: I wonder if Vilod is still making that Mead with juniper berries mixed in.
Rinx: The bush bee man!! I watched hours of his show on youtube, it’s so relaxing and pleasant.
Link for the curious:
Tocksy: ffr
NayMarine: hell yes!
gottagroove: Kick him in his nuts.
NELearner: The last taste part he looks trollied
Arse_Wenderson: ITT: people saying good mead can’t be made in less than a year.
Taste is subjective, guys.
fredbaker1: What is “honey wash from caps”!
taybucs95: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT BOTTLE IT BEFORE STABILIZING THE MEAD. The mead will continue to ferment even after 4 weeks and will build pressure in the glass. I HIGHLY recommend browsing the r/mead subreddit for more information. There are a few other things that are missed here, one being sterilizing everything, another making sure oxygen isn’t introduced.. Check out the sub before doing this so you don’t waste a month
treesdontlikehugs: Mead is fucking delicious. Nectar from the gods.
Gravey9: Having drank a few meads in my time that shit will mess with your stomach. Definitely not for those with weak stomachs.
I thought it said weed
redmugofcoffee: Greg these alcohol recipes are worse than your normal recipes.
1. “Mead wine” doesn’t make sense
2. It’s going to taste like a pot roast with those herbs
4. Bulk age it for longer than a month people
5. Avoid the piths
Just make [joam]( people
[deleted]: [deleted]
Leafy81: I love this guy! His sense of humour is fun and his videos are always interesting.
JoeyJoeJoeJuniorShab: *enhance*
Redtits94: u/imjustbased
ExtraPlus: We missed you greg!!
Leveonsknee: We kicked you out of here for good reason Greg. Now begone.