emoness88: And after 5 months of stop motion video making, we finally had a dozen cheesey cheese sticks!
kratzer1: The stop motion is great please do more
risknoexcuses: How do you dispose of the used grease?
DickAnhdbols: This reminds me of one of the stop motion montages from classic Sesame Street. I was halfway expecting the mozzarella sticks to form a number 18 rising ominously from the hot oil, ready to unleash it’s delicious and educational carnage into the hearts and minds of the masses.
supaswag69: Oh. Oh God.
mikeofhyrule: open bag at one corner. Let air out… crush cheetos in bag
alextoria: I love these stop motion things they’re so adorable!
ollie15: Don’t get me wrong, I love the stop motion. But dear Lord just slow it down some. I feel like I was on a teacup ride or something
WalletPhoneKeysPump: this is next level gif editing. put a patent on it ‘cuz this is gonna be a hit!… oh, great recipe btw 🙂
nottoorare: Have tried this twice with hot Cheetos. Doesn’t taste good, don’t waste precious hot Cheetos on this :’(
Monster-Zero: So, cheese sticks aside, why was this video brought to us by Perez Hilton?
MidgeMuffin: Kroger!
PinkCyanLightsaber: Ew
newmyy: Feels like a lot more work went into the animation than into the recipe. You made mozzarella sticks with Cheeto dust…
monkeyman80: tip for anyone actually making this. after egg wash, flour and egg wash again.
you suck at cooking’s video on mozz sticks shows what happens if you forget that step.
Nemeblubb: Wow, that is the most high quality gif recipe i have ever seen
onlyforthisair: Lots of wasted flour and cheetos to make the cinematography of the gif better
Granjio: What is this mozarella? American moza?
It looks so industrial :s
SithLordDave: Gonna use flaming hots this time
thinkandbefree: Do this with fresh cheese curds, then we’ll talk.
sunflowerstorm: Yum! Would you still dip on marinara?
JuicedInIt: So if you don’t want Cheetos you just put it in flower? Serious question for a cheese stick lover but crappy “cook.”
CookieChillout: I’ve kicked the habit
Shed my skin
This is the new stuff
I go dancing in, we go dancing in
Oh won’t you show for me
cajigs: What is the purpose of freezing it? (serious)
LosinCash: #thisiswhyyourefat
ihugfaces: Funk yes!!! Omg imagine flaming hot cheetos!
Cool stop motion too!
Tayl100: You gonna have a bad time if you don’t double coat those sticks.
RNAprimer: Wait so you can put frozen things in a fryer? 😬 or is it just you can’t put big frozen things in a fryer?
WestsideStorybro: /r/ShittyGifRecipes
geeprimus: r/shittygifrecipes
Scooba6369: This is racist against Chesters
gjkorne: Directions unclear… shvantz is now orange.
BrnndoOHggns: That stretchy melty cheese at the end was a pleasure to behold. I just ordered Thai food but now I really want mozzarella sticks. 🙁
snowingathebeach: I love how each step magically performs itself
bigpig1054: that was smesmerizing
Asthmaster: How long are they supposed to cook?
n lp
dregan: Did they beat eggs, add water, and then never use them?
Dropshot30_303: I really want to try this. But, with flaming hot Cheetos.
Sh1n1ngM4n: I think the sugar is missing, am I wrong??
Brantleyx21: So this is a neat to watch, but actually trying to follow a gif for a recipe has it’s problems, like not being able to pause, rewind, or having to sit through the whole thing to see something missed. Especially if it is a more intricate recipe.
jpavia10: How do I make it without using eggs?
dietotaku: #*[heavy breathing]*
theures: Definitely should be using flaming hot Cheetos
opticscythe: anyone who wants cheetos coated mozzarella sticks, is not the type of person spending this much time on prepping and cooking
colacastell: As an Italian seeing this “mozarella” makes my eyes tear up.
SimplySabrina: Imagine making these with hot cheeto asteroids?
emelbee923: Okay, the basic steps seem easy enough. But where do I learn stop motion?
Reptilus: Dangerously cheesy
Alexxandria: As that an individually wrapped small bag of flour?
mcstazz: Is there a more awful way to do one of those than stop motion?
PirbyKuckett: Trump dick sticks!
coolpita: How does one tear open the pack without using their hands?
SharkAttackx: Upvote because if editing
niecy_lindsay: I️ hate that they open and waste the whole entire bag of flour
AudaciousSam: That seem obscenely unhealthy. Don’t do it.
bauerber: I do like the stop motion style, but please stop calling that stuff mozzarella!
Wrong shape, color and taste!
knorke3000: This cheese is does not look like real Mozzarella at all. Mozzarella is white and much softer with lots of water in it.