isdisdareallife: If you don’t want to visit the website it says this.
1. Apples are covered with ground-up bug resin.
2. Maraschino cherries are bleached, then re-dyed red.
3. Bread often contains L-cysteine, which is made from duck feathers.
4. Soups are made with ultra-thick, ultra-huge carrots.
5. Vanilla flavoring is sometimes made from the scent glands of beavers.
6. Your butcher might be gluing your steaks together.
7. Farm-raised salmon is not pink.
8. Raw almonds can kill you.
9. Twinkies were originally banana-flavored.
10. The truth about blueberry products may give you the blues.
11. Peanuts aren’t nuts.
12. Your favorite strawberry-flavored products may contain more bugs than berries.
13. Nutella is mostly just sugar.
14. Many cheeses use rennet, which isn’t exactly vegetarian-friendly.