Tbone820: Holy cheesus
gh0stwheel: Simple, straightforward stuffed crust pizza. It seems like it would be a bit bland without some herbs, but the hand interactions near the end gave me a chuckle.
Formito: First gif recipe that made me laugh! I love the partitioning
e-chem-nerd: Real pizza dough should have olive oil and SALT in the dough! Spreading the olive oil on top makes no sense because you want the oily part on the heating surface so that it crisps up. I know they used pan spray – but that’s blasphemy. Also, without salt the crust is going to be tasteless. The only flavor in this dough is cheese. I know that its typical that all the comments in a food gif hate on the food, but these are some basics of cooking that any pizza dough recipe you google is going to have.
Molysridde: I really dig the two chefs thing. It was really cute when they were deciding how split the pizza
PM_ME_2DISAGREEWITHU: I can’t believe I’m saying this, but you may have overdone it on the cheese.
That looks like a greasy, sloppy mess. And at approximately 1250 calories per slice, hardly worth it.
bethrevis: At first I thought, “that’s no where near enough cheese on top” and then I remembered the cheese below.
ms6651: Holy shit, it’s got four hands!
shade703: Well now I want to see a cooking show starring Goro: https://moviesfilmsandflix.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/goro.jpg
Chadney: You had me until string cheese.
hops4beer: I love cheese but that is way too extreme for me.
Cornelius_Poindexter: Needs some pineapple
BLZ333: I need this inside me
zearosn: As an european I feel like we should have a discussion about the definition of a pizza.
nexusanarchy: The playful interaction was very cute
Layers3d: All I have to do is grow another pair of arms to make this?
ClubBenchCFO: I got the runs just watching this – lactose intolerant redditor
Roxas-The-Nobody: That was adorable
rokr1292: Reminds me of the Pizza Hut Insider^TM Pizza from my childhood
VodkaRedBuff: Paaaaan piiiiizza
Ice_Beam: Since this recipe makes enough dough for 2 pan pizzas, I’d make one with pepperoni, meat balls, and sausages. The other would be chicken pieces (or shredded) covered in BBQ sauce.
More ideas for toppings?
ninjoe87: This was so adorable, I had to text it to my pizza-crazed wife just so she could see the hands fighting over topics.
NaturesGirl: This is the first time I saw a gif with two people working in tandem. It adds a special sweetness to the video. God, it makes me hungry too!
Derizion: I don’t think I could eat that, it’s too much freaking cheese. But the gif was funny so well done.
Didifoolya: Was anyone else bothered by the fact that the pepperoni was on the right and the spinach was on the left before it went in the oven, and the other way when they took it out?
warmegg: Come odio quando gli Americani fanno questa merda e la chiamano pizza
dar212: And then some of that Tennessee ice cream for dessert
mcfeezie: Why not just make a single crust pizza? Easier to eat, taste more of the toppings, and less calories.
l_osservatore: this is not pizza.
kramjr: That actually looks disgusting.
Stewbodies: I love all the hands!
rockstang: This looks delicious, but my cholesterol levels went up just watching this.
LittleBlueDres2: Cheeeeeeeeeeese
That_random_guy-1: I wish I could eat this… just had a root canal and have a temp crown on… and I’m going to have my wisdom teeth pulled soon. My mouth is watering right now
Anally_Distressed: I don’t have enough hands to follow this recipe.
suhayla: OMG 😮
MrFropie: Sweet Christmas
orange_lazarus1: I’ll have a diet coke with that
Datmexicanguy: The first layer seems unnecessary, mozzarella cheese sticks around the edge is something I might adopt next time I make pizza at home though.
INeedMoreCreativity: [More of the same. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GifRecipes/comments/7o7ja5/comment/ds7ie07?st=JC3XP590&sh=5854f916)
That said, this recipe still looks good.
thesuff: The silent teamwork going on is kinda cute
Raddz5000: I would screw it up somehow.
Bluebull54: I was breathing way to hard watching this
ixtilion: Pepperoni and grass… ugh 🙁
Oafus: Cover for 1 hour and voila! The bowl is clean!
Mighty_Platypus: Where did that person get all their hands from?!??
mr_googly_eyed: Holy Christ. I’ve never wanted pizza as badly as now.
mikedi12: Good luck with your BM the next morning…
civ6throwaway: that s too much cheese sir
Serzotto: Perché dovete farci soffrire!?
OnlyForTheLonely: Do you have to have a friend to make this recipe?
rodgie05: fuck I feel old. The first thing I thought of is, damn there is too much cheese.
MisterMysterios: Honest question: At what point does it starts to be a pie and ends to be a pizza? This is a cheese pie with a topping, not a pizza anymore.
ahsanomar: That’s a nice looking lasagna
iinnaassttaarr: I don’t know what that is, but you’re not cool enough to call it pizza.
sapperRichter: Aren’t you supposed to let the dough rest for a bit?
ronsta: Fucking monstrosity
Seebb100: How do u put the sound wtf new to this app
Gatewalk: RemindMe! 14 hours
moschles: The lest few seconds of this gif is like softcore pornography.
They_Cut_The_Fleeb: Needs more tomato sauce. If not it’s just some liberal cheese bread.
damnkidz: Is the extra dough used somewhere? They cut the dough ball into four pieces and only used two. Am I just missing the part that it was used? Would I half the recipe for the dough if I didn’t want to make two pizzas?
mariess: Spinach/salad on before cooking…?? Who does that shit?
vikinick: The dough is probably not gonna be that good if you try to make it this way.
Put the sugar, water, and yeast in a tall glass and let that activate. While that’s happening, mix together a few teaspoons of salt with the flour in a bowl. Make a little well in the flour and then pour the yeast mixture on top of that, then mix.
Ironcymru: ‘it’s gonna be years before they find a way to hide more cheese in a pizza’ – Elaine Benes ca. 1997
PaulFThumpkins: When that third hand popped in and started stirring I kind of freaked out. I finally understand the guys at /r/woahdude.
Morgan-Meme-Machine: Is it just me or does buzzfeed have a slight obsession with cheese? I know this is a pizza but that’s still a lotta cheese.
doodszzz: Where can I get some of those helping hands?
ArthurDaTrainDayne: I stopped at string cheese
JEngler420: Om. Fucking. Nomstipation.
Senorbubbz: I tried making fried empanadas with string cheese once and it essentially became plastic wrapped in dough. Never again.
This looks ok though.
Doorhorse: The real question is how do you get those nicely rounded pieces of cheese? That is crucial to this experience?
some_pun: They flipped the side the toppings were on after the last bake!
DarthPreytor: Where is the double at?
rohay: I like that they go Mozzarella, String cheese (also mozzarella) and then topped with More mozzarella
KekMustDie: That’s too much cheese…
parkcitydev: That’s not a pizza
Acidrain77: At what point does this become a cheese dip
majstor: It’s like all the recipes here are trying to make a normal dish a little pushed to the limit, with as much as cheese as possible. I mean, this is a cholesterol bomb right here.
Juslotting: Uh, yeah, that’s too much cheese.
Helium902009: Im pretty sure this is a sin and is illegal in most sovereign countries.
Reshi44: Worthy of the high-cal calzone zone