hippiefur: Only twelve hours and several wasted potatoes and you can have Starch Disks™
Randy_____Marsh: y tho?
xxJacob890xx: Lmao. Y’all funny as hell. Baked starch water 😂.
uniqueuserword: What happens to the actual potato lol
SteelSpartan: Those look like the flakes of skin that Goldmember would eat in Austin Powers. Hard Pass
Glydon_: 8 hours in fridge and 4 hours in the oven for this? No, thank you.
Vexivian: /r/ShittyGifRecipes/
Kangar: In the future, potato chips will be glass. You’ll see!
DrummerHodgeh: Bro are you OK? You’ve been posting a hell of a lot
Hyper-Hippo: I can feel the cuts in my mouth already.
THEREALKEVINSANE: this is the stupidest shit ive ever seen
evolvedtwig: Tired of using your time to volunteer at homeless shelters? Wasted hours bettering your life at the gym? Forget learning a second language! Use your valuable time to make what barely amounts to a food substance!
Anivair: Ahh, potato starch chips. That sounds revolting, actually.
SlimeChunker: r/DiWhy
ctesni9271: Makes about the same amount of chips as a bag of Lays
rauls4: Ew
kateyuu: this reminds me of the wings of a cockroach…
Frankenstien23: Wow now I too can waste time and food easily!
TERPINGTON: file this under r/diWHY
BushWeedCornTrash: This makes sense if you are running a commercial kitchen, where every night someone is boiling potatoes for one reason or another, and the water is usually discarded. It neat. To do this at home is a giant waste of energy and time unless you are cooking for a date and you haven’t had sex in a very long time.
LoriTheGirl: Why?
Mastuh_KBM: Seems like something more suited as a garnish and not something you just eat.
Markledunkel: Total fuckin waste of time.
bdonovan222: r/diwhy for sure…
Reddit-Loves-Me: Is using boiled potato water necessary? I think you can achieve almost the same thing with water.
trixie_trixie: Oh god no
fightknockers: Why do you put oil in the water with the potatoes?
TheCloudDart12: If you love the taste of blood and potato’s it’s perfect!
H4ck3rm4n1: Do they taste good or is this more for aesthetics?
adambulb: You could probably just add a bunch more potato starch to hot water and skip the real potatoes entirely.
ccaterinaghost: wtf
ericsinsideout: I mean, it’s clever and all… but what a waste of time and energy..
IAmTheLyricist: Looks like fly wings. Do this for Halloween parties if you’re the type to be extra af
squeevey: Why not blend up the potatoes with the liquid and do the same thing?
DrHaggans: I cannot imagine those tasting like potatoes
xenxray: Looks like human skin chips
iSuckedDickForCokee: The kids loved making them and they were pretty tasty too.
ktrezzi: Pringles are actually also just starch…
Ezl: What do they taste like compared to regular chips? Exactly the same, similar, nothing like them?
WhatTheHell531: This is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen. And where the hell did the actual potatoes go???
zackmophobes: Cool idea but I’m a little confused, do you discard the potatoes and just use potato water with potato starch and bake the goo?
TheLadyEve: Wow, 8 whole chips!
I can see this as being an interesting garnish on a dish if you’re doing a molecular gastronomy thing.
s-bagel: What a colossal waste of time and energy… and potatoes.
Qurrx: OP, is this your GIF or a repost?
xq3r: -“Hey frend want some fries?”
-“nah, im really in the mood for some baked potato water”
SenorSmaySmay: OP sucked dick for coke, what would they be willing to do for these?
TnBBunnicula: My question is why don’t they show someone eating them.
ariellequeraud: Hahha without checking the title I thought they were insect wings in a glass. Rip hopper(s).
AvengersWasMediocre: I thought it was an insects wing at first.
Sure_Whatever__: Breaking Potato.
Ibanez_723: Can i make this with wiener water?
NewMilleniumBoy: Are these enjoyable to eat?
aManPerson: well that’s interesting, thanks for posting.
JoshyAulder: So much time and effort for so little yield. Looks awesome otherwise
Mr-_-Positivity: Boiled potato water?? And potato starch? That’s fuckin gross
lateef87: Wtf is this modernist cuisine bullshit.
Just eat potatoes like a normal person wtf man.
Raplena14: Wait is this edible ?
laurennnk: I think your username is pretty dope. This has nothing to do with your lovely chips soooo sorry?
elkinsj210: That looks WAAAAY too much like skin peeled off after a bad sunburn, no thanks.
Ariel_Etaime: Freshly extracted potato starch with additional powdered potato starch. Yum
OliviaPopesWineglass: I would make this if I was having a Channel Zero: Candle Cove viewing party and…..that’s pretty much it.
PolakaFlaka: My question is if it’s still edible
tall_buildings_: Stupid
goobly_goo: What happens to the potatoes? Why would anyone do this? Why does this seem so wasteful? So many questions….
TheFrenchSuckAss: Glass shards are tasty.
BobMuthaFuckinRoss: “Oh, that’s a nice recipe, let’s save it!” A aaand, posters username! Haha!
Devistotle: Hit it baby