InJohnnysKitchen: It’s almost Easter! With egg-mayhem upon us, it only seems appropriate to dust off an oldie but goodie: My famous Eierlikör recipe. If you wonder now “What the heck is Eierlikör” – it’s Germany’s oh-so-delicious answer to eggnog. Perfect for Easter and Christmas!
It’s thicker and creamier than the American eggnog. With its creamy texture and delicious vanilla taste it almost makes you feel like you are drinking a dessert. So many people have told me that they don’t like Eierlikör and I proved every single one of them wrong after they tasted my take on it.
(This will give you about 1 liter of Eierlikör)
* 6 egg yolks (use the egg-whites for omelets or macaroons)
* 1 sachet vanilla sugar
* 250g powdered sugar
* 250ml brown rum, or honey bourbon
* 300ml condensed milk (the one you’d use for coffee)
**Mix up your own tasty eggnog**
In a large heatproof bowl, mix the egg yolks and vanilla sugar with a handheld mixer until foamy and creamy.
Sift the powdered sugar into the bowl and stir to combine. Pour in rum and condensed milk. Mix to combine.
Put your heatproof bowl on-top of a pot with boiling water (au bain-marie style). Stir continuously until your mixture thickens. Make sure you keep stirring, otherwise you end up with scrambled eggs in sweet-rum…
Pour your thickened liquor into a sterilized bottle. Put the cap on once cooled down.
**Keep your Eierlikör refrigerated and serve cold. Sip away and enjoy the holidays with your loved ones**
Full recipe can also be found on my site [injohnnyskitchen]( and in my cookbook. Cheers!
violenttango: Amazing bottle, too bad what used to be in it is no longer 🙁
Mitallian: One of our German suppliers sends bottles of this to my workplace every Christmas. My coworkers are too grossed out by the way it looks to try it or don’t get beyond one tiny taste, so I always get to take it home. 🙂 I think it’s delicious!
WhiteM00se: Can anyone tell me how this is pronounced?
MonkeyTesticleJuice: I know for a fact that it’s not made from monkey shoulder, I know what it’s REALLY made out of!
starlinguk: Aka Advocaat in the Netherlands and Britain.