dammitamanda: Would definitely add some sausage and pancake skewers.
Scream26: For some reason I was thinking “breakfast” as in eggs, sausage, and toast. I was very interested to see how you would get scrambled eggs on a skewer.
Castielz: Ain’t nobody got time for that.
Looks yummy though, guess I’ll supersize ’em, cheers!
down_vote_magnet: This is kind of just pancakes. Bit of a stretch to call them breakfast skewers.
kiwi-lime_Pi: and you can just dip in it syrup
SP7R: The mini pancakes are adorable
samaxecampbell: By the time you’re done skewering, the pancakes are cold
theruraljuror5150: Why tho
justinsayin: “I’ve been up since fucking 4:30 making those you god damn better have time to eat them!”
RudeEtuxtable: But why? Make some fucking pancakes and put some fruit on top
okashii_person: Needs more gif. Can’t really see the texture.
hulpelozestudent: Dus… poffertjes op een stokje?
kaditya1126: Why do you need a squeeze bottle for the batter?
neelvk: Way too much effort!
Czarcophagus: So……pancakes
MeatNGrit: This is daftly pointless — and not even in a fun, whimsical kinda way.
eutamias21: No pan I have ever owned has ever browned pancakes so evenly.
theblackxranger: ….so just pancakes
organoleptic-leper: That’s just pancakes with extra steps
_aguro_: Should fry those cakes with a little more butter
rolljacketsroll: https://78.media.tumblr.com/ef3e2055498ffdf84e0fa30ae6208c93/tumblr_mikdzoXr7V1r3zsf6o2_500.gif
magic_marker_breath: now fry them
BenAdaephonDelat: I think it’s funny that most of this is just “make pancake batter”
tholloway: So many utensils and dishes to clean!
blacksoxing: This gif…..
I knew it was trouble when I saw on my screen that it was 48 seconds long and it wasn’t until around the 10 second mark that skewer action occurred.
I’d be mad if someone told me they make BREAKFAST SKEWERS and it was really just pancakes on a stick (no sausage…instead w/fruit)
shanrat: Too much work… maybe just do regular pancakes and stuff fruit into ur mouth while eating
Draeth: What are these, pancakes for ants?
alternativehits: >breakfast
Sausage, bacon, eggs, toast, block cheese? Top banter OP
andymsn: What was the point of the strainer at the beginning?
Orange4: as a non-cooking person, wtf was the point of the strainer?
margobisbee: What was the point of the strainer?
zengardeneast: Looks pretty and all but anyone that makes pancakes knows they’ll be cold by the time anyone eats them.
z1m3t: Definitely thought this was going to be a breakfast corn dog.
guitarbque: For christsake. Why do things need to be needlessly overcomplicated.
TRAUMAjunkie: That last step is so unnecessary. Just eat the damn things
SmokinDroRogan: Overcooked the pancakes.
r0botosaurus: I’ll stick with the breakfast Hot Pocket instead of getting up 2 hours early to have a tiny, disappointing breakfast.
fantumn: Mofo get that metal offset spatula away from your nonstick pan!
TheMontrealKid: Recipe made entirely with tools I don’t have in my kitchen
squeevey: Get that metal spatula away from the non-stick pan!
lanceclanmanham: Where’s the meat?
Empath1999: might be good with some protein pancake mix i think.
PJ_lyrics: Thanks for the pancake recipe OP!
bumble_dork: This is frikkin stupid. Worse gif recipe yet.
vunderbaan: Cold pancakes? Who eats cold pancakes?
StrangeBrew710: Now slather those suckers in butter and syrup and we’re ready to get the day started.
wstdsmls: For super fluffy, fold in separated beaten foam egg whites at the end.
walkswithwolfies: For people who have more time than sense.
chance939: Idk if it’s me being on mobile or what, but 95% of the gifs I see on here are of absolute potato quality. Is it just me?
ownitbaby: One of these days I’m gonna make a gif recipe that’s just me ordering food on Grubhub
GenkiElite: Serve with a little syrup, honey, jelly, jam or whipped cream.
TheGrenglish: Who in fucks name wakes up with enough time to prepare this shit? Really honestly I just about wake up with enough time to take a shit some days.
dammitamanda: I was ganna say jimmy dean??
get some ground pork add some spices and shit make little parties about the size of the little pancakes and boom. Some maple syrup on the side mmmmm.
profssr-woland: Blin shashlik? Is ultimate slav breakfast.
lets_get_lowwerr: this seems like a lot of work for not a lot of food
Son_of_Liberty88: Pancakes for ants
ISD1982: I have barely enough time to pour cereal into a bowl in the morning, let alone actually baking skewers.
FaiIsOfren: They could have showed a still picture.
Zoze13: Why the strainer?
I2ed3ye: Oh muh gawsh.. those are the cutest, lit’l pancakes I ever did see!
5nackbar: you forgot to batter and deep fry them
dantheman223: Skip the pancakes and save a lot of time, aka fruit skewers… or you could just eat the fruit out of the bowl
SniffedonDeesPanties: I’m mad now.
awesomepawsome: Wish it was easier to keep a dedicated deep fryer available at all times. I’m a fat lardass enough that I would make them like that pretty regularly. Oh sweet carnie food
UndeadCircus: Now deep-fry that bitch!
utahhiker: So, pancakes on a stick.
kazak22: What in the fuck are those vegetables
MyCatDorito: If nothing else, now I know how to make pancakes.
corruptboomerang: /r/DiWHY
Anish_Does_Stuff: This seems really cool! Does anyone know a way to make this without egg? Thanks!
TheMineA7: I just put the batter in a waffle maker. Add the srrawberry and banana on that with maple syrup.
toomanydickpics: :/ dude just buy pancake mix and fruit.. come on this is just tiny pancakes.
CamarilloBrillo: These need Maple whipped cream for dipping.
cobaltandchrome: I had to watch that whole thing to see it was pancakes and fruit on a stick. 🙁
clegg2011: What a waste of time. Just make regular ass pancakes and put out some fresh fruit for people to pick and choose as they please. This belongs on r/diwhy
snotboogie: That’s just a hard way to eat pancakes and fruit.
Nudes_for_Steak: That metal on Teflon gives me nightmares.
ThaShitPostAccount: How do they sift the flour and *still* have so many lumps in the batter?
psychcaptain: That looks like a great idea for my poffertjes pan.
raddits: Just buy mini pancakes frozen
Saved time: all of it
Throwaway__shmoe: What was the point of sifting the powder ingredients?
phpdevster: Drizzle some real maple syrup on those and mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm baby
dyeeyd: Where’s the pork?
Bangkok_Dave: Is it normal in the US to put sugar in pancakes?
Mr-Platypus: Are they uber dry tasting?
Tribat_1: How this has 6k upvotes is beyond me. It’s literally regular pancakes on a stick with some fruit.