I2ed3ye: Me and my gf are trying to make this but we got to the part about picking a grapefruit soda and now we’ve been in the store for fifteen hours.
soomuchcoffee: A SIPPY CYLINDER
HGpennypacker: Heat is such an underrated flavor in cocktails, tough to do right but with the grapefruit juice this looks awesome.
CocktailChem: **[Full video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rC4a0Y–X1A)**
I just got married! You know it wouldn’t be a Cocktail Chemistry wedding without some legit drinks, so in this gif I show you the 1st of 3 cocktails I designed for my reception.
My wife’s Indian roots gave her a genetic love of spices, so for “her” cocktail I decided to add some heat to her favorite summer cocktail in a drink I call the “Masala Paloma”.
**Her cocktail: Masala Paloma**
* 2oz (60ml) of blanco tequila
* .5oz (15ml) of fresh lime juice
* 5oz (1.5cl) of grapefruit soda
* 1 dash of firewater tincture (or muddle some jalepeños)
* Add ice to a collins glass
* Pour in lime juice and tequila
* Top with grapefruit soda
* Dash of firewater tincture
* Stir and serve with a straw
oreosss: is there a sub for bartender/mixed cocktails like this? thanks for sharing
BookerTheShitt: I’ll never not upvote your videos.
wbhipster: How is this masala though? I mean, it looks delish, and a Paloma is one of my favorite drinks, but there’s no masala to this.
kevie3drinks: I went to a swanky looking Mexican place a couple weeks ago, asked for a Paloma, they didn’t know what it was, then I knew the mexican place was bullshit.
Hunt100: Sippy cylinder was the best part tbh
PMmeforanyreason: I like cocktail chemistry, but the part where he drinks it always weirds me out at the end. I don’t really have an explanation why though…
Crooked_Cricket: This guy is like Babish for alcoholics.
llaanniiaakkeeaa: no thanks, more vomit water for you
METALx79: TIL not to Google squirt
mchuck2424: I think you’re looking for the word straw
ezekiel_0: I wish there was a subreddit just for cocktail gifs
Shinwax: That is the most bullshit drink i have ever seen. The collins glass is extra narrow and shorter than a regular collins glass. Those ice cubes are huge! When he pours 2.5 ounces of liquid the glass is half full already.
handyandy9: so, just take a regular, well-known cocktail, add a tiny amount of another ingredient, and give it a new name?
idgaf_about_yr_imgur: Yeah I needed a video for this